S4D Guide
Updating Replit to v16
First you need to install discord.js 13v by doing this in shell!
If in package.json file you already have got discord.js 13v
then ignore above.
Installing NodeJS 16v on Replit
Discord.JS v13 requires NodeJS v16 or newer
On replit got to shell tab to execute the command.
Not in Console.
After you are done with this,
Execute this to clean npm cache and reinstall the package in the shell
Make sure to add the start script and other scripts in your package.json file
This is how a normal (without extra packages should look).
After Completing these steps,
You need to export your code and copy everything the premade code too and put in your main file.
To start your bot you need to enter this this in shell and press enter.
After this your bot will start!
Have Fun making commands!!
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Last updated
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